I Buy & Appraise Vintage Guitars Online Or In Person
Before buying your guitar, I will appraise it carefully to ensure that it is in good condition. By using my years of experience with Rickenbacker guitars, I am able to give you a fair price that is good for both you and me. Instead of just quoting you something, though, I will gladly explain my whole process and why I came to the price that I did. I will also answer any questions that you may have throughout the entire meeting.

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Meet Vintage Guitar Expert, Joe Dampt
Professional Buyer and Seasoned Collector of Vintage Guitars
Hey there! My name is Joe Dampt and I love old music and old guitars!
I fell in love with the guitar as a youngster while listening to old music from the 50s and 60s. From then on, music has been my life, and I’ve sacrificed and worked hard to make music and musical instruments my livelihood. I love old guitars and musical instruments, but I love the MUSIC even more. I believe that guitars don’t do us any good if they just sit in a case. These beauties are meant to be played!
I’ve performed in many local bands and my favorite styles to play are classic country/western music, swing & dance music, and classic rock & roll.